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If you are an experienced dancer, no matter what kind of dance you are into, you are welcomed by us! The official audition time is around the first and second week of every semester. However, if you are eager to join, we can always set up individual auditions for you at any time! 

Official Audition


Official audition is the time when all potentical members come togehter and show off their talents! It is usually the weekend after student involvement fair. Specific date will be annouced on our FaceBook page and Wechat public page. 





  • 30 sec~1min dance piece, which will be performed in front our members

  • Comfortable clothes and shoes (dance shoes are prefered, but not required)

  • Water :)

  • Your dancing heart!!!


The result will be released within one week through email. Everybody will hear from us, whether selected or not.


Audtion is only for on-stage performance position. If you are not interested in performing or failed the audition anyhow, don't worry about it, you are always welcomed to join us on practice. Dance is a great exercise to tune up your body!

Individual Audition



If you missed the official audition period, individual audition may be an option for you. You can contact our president directly and set up a audition with her. The general process and requirements would be the same as official audition.


如果你是舞蹈经验丰富的舞者,无论什么舞种我们都尽数欢迎。在这里你会遇到一群和你同样热爱舞蹈的姑娘。我们的官方招新时间为每年秋季及春季学期的第一和第二周。 但是, 如果你错过了这些时间,同样可以单独联系我们。我们随时欢迎你的加入!






Hui Yang,



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